My Services
No matter how small your operation, it’s important to get your bookkeeping correct right from the beginning.
Discover my start-up assistance services.
Why do I need Start-Up Assistance?
When starting a new business, it’s crucial to implement thorough record keeping strategies. Sophisticated financial systems may not seem like a priority when you’re worrying about your product or service, business premises, finding the right staff, marketing strategies and so much more.
However, an Excel spreadsheet and a drawer of receipts will only get you so far.
Trained in bookkeeping services, I can assist you in implementing modern accounting software, along with other tried-and-tested solutions to keep your business’ finances on track.
Why Choose Us
Setting up Payroll
Managing your accounts
Ensuring compliance with ATO requirements
BAS Preparation & lodgement
Payroll preparation & lodgement
Implementing the right accounting software
Assistance with government grant applications
Call Cassie now to help you with your business